Find your footprint
Try this, do the questionnaire and know what is your footprint on the planet Earth.
If you are interested in watching the video about sustainability. Write SOStenibilidad youtube, it is the first.
16 comentarios
Carolina Carrilero Buendia -
Rocío Plaza Iniesta 3º A -
German Martinez Serrano 3ºB -
Pablo Muñoz Martínez 3ºB -
Irene Montesinos Nicolas 3ºB -
1.97 planets
Diego Pérez Yllana -
Sergio Pérez Yllana -
3.29 planets
Jose Buendia Tarraga -
Adrián Alonso Caravaca -
2.27 planents.
And my carbon footprint, which is 8.76 tonnes per annum
Javier García Fernández -
Fernando Romera Fernández -
Juan Olmo García -
2.69 planets
carbon footprint, is 11.78 tonnes per annum
Paula Torrano Belmonte -
Laura Azorín Soto 3ºA -
Cristina Dosdá Munuera 3ºA -
Marta Muñoz Contreras 3ºA -
2.69 planets